Building your startup’s product or service from the ground up is such an exciting time, and creating the startup culture you want to be a part of is hard to get right. Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, each Tuesday morning,

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Building your startup’s product or service from the ground up is such an exciting time, and creating the startup culture you want to be a part of is hard to get right. Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, each Tuesday morning, for easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories about what it takes to develop a mentally healthy startup culture. If you’d like to learn how to incorporate sustainable practices related to connection and mental health into your startup work and your startup life, this show, Wired to Connect, is for you.


11. Does Your Startup Understand Psychological Safety & How to Foster it?

How do you know whether your startup has an accurate understanding of what exactly psychological safety is; why it’s so important; & then, how to foster it, effectively?

In her book, Teaming, Harvard Business School professor & researcher, Amy Edmondson describes psychological safety as the shared belief among team members that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking. Noting that this involves, but goes beyond, interpersonal trust, Edmondson explains that it is characterized by a team climate of interpersonal trust & mutual respect, where people are comfortable being themselves. Edmondson describes psychological safety as a felt-sense of whether an environment is safe (e.g., not experiencing micro-aggressions or unconscious bias, having access to opportunities & advancements, feeling welcomed in the hybrid mix of socio-professional gatherings, believing work & contributions are valued). She indicates that when psychological safety is present the wellbeing & well-doing climate is enhanced: people feel comfortable taking risks, making mistakes, asking for help, & speaking up to challenge the status quo or improve processes. It includes a necessarily strong core of trust; & also requires compassion (compassion = empathy + action).

Startup therapist, Lisa Birnbaum; & startup coach, Marisa Birnbaum, have seen the understanding of psychological safety & the fostering of it, vary significantly between startups. During this episode, Lisa & Marisa, talk through exactly what psychological safety looks like & sounds like in the context of your startup; why psychological safety is so important for the success of your startup; as well as, how to effectively create, build, & cultivate psychological safety, in an ongoing way, within your startup.


Episode 10: Reconnecting the Disconnect: One Startup’s Journey Toward a Mentally Healthy Culture

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for the tenth episode of Lisa & Marisa Birnbaum’s weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories, about what it takes to develop, build, & sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. Today’s episode is an inside look at a recent consulting project with an EdTech Startup to assess the culture the co-founders built & to talk through the perks that were added, in effort to support their employees’ wellbeing. After meeting with the co-founders, and all of their employees, it was clear there was a big disconnect between the co-founders’ & the exec. teams’ view of their company’s culture & everyone else’s. Listen-in on exactly where the disconnect was & hear what recommendations were given, so that – regardless of whether you are a startup founder yourself, or are on the exec. team, or are a startup employee – you can start applying these recommendations to your own situation. Tune-in & look forward to appreciating that we are all, ‘Wired to Connect’. Click or tap that ‘play’ button!


9. Listener Question: How do I Effectively Address “Quiet Quitting” at my Startup?

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for the ninth episode of Lisa & Marisa Birnbaum’s weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories, about what it takes to develop, build, & sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. This episode addresses a listener’s question regarding how to effectively navigate “quiet quitting” at their startup. Tune-in & look forward to appreciating that we are all, ‘Wired to Connect’.


Episode 8: Our Top 5 Strategies for Proactively Managing Startup Stress

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for the eighth episode of Lisa & Marisa Birnbaum’s weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories, about what it takes to develop, build, & sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. In this episode, learn how to eliminate unnecessary startup stress – while proactively managing any necessary startup stress – & avoid the effects of chronic stress & burnout, using these 5 strategies, which can be implemented immediately. Tune-in as we & look forward to appreciating that we are all, ‘Wired to Connect’. Click or tap that ‘play’ button!


7. The “B” in DEIB & Cultivating a Mentally Healthy Startup Culture of Belonging

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for the seventh episode of Lisa & Marisa Birnbaum’s weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories, about what it takes to develop, build, & sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. In this episode, learn about the intersection of belonging, leadership, & having a mentally healthy startup culture; learn why “belonging” is a critical component of diversity, equity, & inclusion (DEI) work, & why anything less is not enough; learn how to ‘walk your talk’ to ensure your diversity, equity, inclusion, & belonging (DEIB) practices are implemented effectively; & learn why it’s never too early – or too late – to start. Tune-in & look forward to appreciating that we are all, ‘Wired to Connect’.


6: Our 1st Mini Episode + Startup Giveaway

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for the sixth episode of Lisa & Marisa Birnbaum’s weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories, about what it takes to develop, build, & sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. Today’s episode features our very first mini episode & our very first startup giveaway! Tune-in & look forward to appreciating that we are all Wired to Connect.


5. Moving Through a Shame Spiral & Modeling Vulnerability

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for the fifth episode of Lisa & Marisa Birnbaum’s weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories, about what it takes to develop, build, & sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. In this episode, learn how to move through a shame spiral by modeling vulnerability. Tune-in & look forward to appreciating that we are all Wired to Connect.


4. How to Skillfully Receive Feedback

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for the fourth episode of Lisa & Marisa Birnbaum’s weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories, about what it takes to develop, build, & sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. In this episode, learn how to skillfully receive feedback. Tune-in & look forward to appreciating that we are all Wired to Connect.



How to Give Feedback, Effectively

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for the third episode of Lisa & Marisa Birnbaum’s weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories, about what it takes to develop, build, & sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. In this episode, learn how to give feedback, effectively. Tune-in & look forward to appreciating that we are all Wired to Connect.


2. What Needs to be in Place Prior to Giving Someone Feedback

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for the second episode of Lisa & Marisa Birnbaum’s weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories, about what it takes to develop, build, & sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. In this episode, learn what needs to be in place prior to giving feedback. Tune-in & look forward to appreciating that we are all Wired to Connect.



How to Use Your Biology, Your Psychology, & Your Sociology to Your Advantage, at Work

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for the first episode of Lisa & Marisa Birnbaum’s weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, & stories, about what it takes to develop, build, & sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. In this episode, learn how to use your biology, your psychology, & your sociology to your advantage, at work. Tune-in & look forward to appreciating that we are all Wired to Connect.


Introducing Wired to Connect: Sustainable Mental Health Practices for Startup Work & Startup Life

Join startup therapist, coach, & consultant, Lisa Birnbaum, for a preview of the weekly, startup mental health podcast featuring easily digestible lessons, skills, and stories, about what it takes to develop, build, and sustain a mentally healthy startup culture. If you’re listening in real time, the first episode drops on Tuesday, June 14, 2022. Tune-in and look forward to appreciating that we are all Wired to Connect.